Brookthorpe Hall School offers a therapeutic educational approach with a staff team dedicated and determined to support every individual.
We work to the “Ask, Accept, Develop” autism strategy developed by Options Autism, which recognises that despite some shared traits,
every autistic person is unique in their own way. This strategy enables our staff to appreciate the individual abilities of every child.
In October 2023, we gained our Ask, Accept Develop Silver Accreditation.
Our staff are also trained in Trauma Informed Practice so we’re well equipped to help pupils address underlying complex trauma experienced during childhood or in previous school placements.
We also have access to a clinical team who provide care and therapy to benefit our pupils. Clinical support may include:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Other types of therapy as required
Our holistic approach and safe and nurturing environment enables us to give our pupils the space and opportunity to grow in confidence.
Brookthorpe Hall School is part of Outcomes First Group, who have developed a Wellbeing Rainbow. The Wellbeing Rainbow embeds a culture of positive wellbeing throughout our whole community.
It’s a strategy for delivering care, education and clinical provisions that meet the needs of children, young people and adults. It prioritises successful outcomes, and is underpinned and informed by current wellbeing research theory and evidence.
To learn more about our Wellbeing Strategy, please click here.
Our Therapy Team is supported by Hayley Gazeley who is the Locality Clinical Lead/Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Our Therapy Team
Hollie Blunt – Occupational Therapist Fiona Gaunt – Psychotherapist